June is the international month for Gay pride. It is not just a celebration of the LGBTQ community, at the core it is essentially a protest. Marginalized voices magnified. Speaking about equality, dignity, visibility and self-affirmation. In the past, many queer folk have lost their lives because of the STIGMA and SHAME (opposite of pride) attached to being a LGBTQ person. I did not choose to be queer; mother nature made me this way. We will no longer need Pride, only when we are free to live as our authentic selves; without harassment, judgement, ridicule or fear of violence. We are not here to replace anybody. All that we fight and have fought for is a 'Seat at the Table'. ...to be seen and heard, just like you. We exist. This subject matter shown here is natural, beautiful and human. I drew these illustrations Circa 1998. I consider myself to be an Artist who reflects the human condition; not wishing to be pigeon-holed for my queer nature. These pieces drawn here, are where I explicitly share my LGBTQ experience. Art depicting a positive gay experience amidst tradition, oppression, and shame. A response to growing up in modern society; being consistently surrounded by media, conveying that my love was disgusting, unhealthy, and perverted. For me, making art has always been a liberating, empowering device.